Join a LIFE GROUP Today!
At INTERNATIONAL FAMILY CHURCH, we believe LIFE groups are the Life of the church community. Today’s culture is one that is “high tech & low touch.” It celebrates & and promotes individualism over community. Privacy and seclusion are valued over connection. However, God didn’t design us to live our lives alone. LIFE groups are Individuals who regularly gather outside of our weekend church services, in a safe, loving, nurturing environment. The purpose of gathering is to experience the Love of God, receive Instruction in God’s Word for spiritual growth, engage in a lifestyle of authentic fellowship, & and evangelize those who are far away from God & and bring them back in a relationship with God.
What is the VISION of a LIFE GROUP?
We choose to use the word LIFE group for two different reason, firstly, because we want a LIFE giving culture in everything we do, and second each letter defines what we expect to happen when we come together.
L - Love God and Love people.
I - Instruction in God’s Word for spiritual growth
F - Fellowship in a safe, nurturing environment
E - Evangelism. To share the goodness of Jesus to those who are far away from God
What is a LIFE COACH?
LIFE COACH is your PEER in your journey with God. Life Coach provides Pastoral care, Equipping to focus on God's plan for your life, Empowering to practice and develop your gifts, and helps to create an environment to build healthy relationships.
Where & When Do you meet?
Life Groups meet in homes in different locations throughout Lexington in different areas. We want everyone to find a life group and make it a priority. You can email us, fill out a connection card, or talk to one of our greeters when you attend church and we can help you get connected to a group and enjoy the journey with Christ and His Followers! You will experience life change.
Life Coach - Charles & Cathy Haynes
Hosted by: International Family Church (Under the Balcony)
Address: 1311 Marley Dr, Columbia, SC - 29210
Time: 7pm

Life Coach - Valerie Bell
Hosted by: International Family Church (KWAD Room)
Address: 1311 Marley Dr, Columbia, SC - 29210
Time: 7pm
Life Coach - Nelson & Vineeta Kelkar
Hosted by: Ajay & Sheela Chandekar
Address: 109 Stuart Lane, Lexington, SC - 29072
Time: 7pm

Life Coach - Sam & ILa Patel
Hosted by: Sam & ILa Patel
Address: 2700 Main St, Sumter, SC - 29513
Time: 730pm
Life Coach - Atul & Rita Gawai
Hosted by: International Family Church (Under the Balcony)
Address: 1311 Marley Dr, Columbia, SC - 29210
Time: 7pm

Life Coach - Vishal & Kirti Sagdeo
Hosted by: International Family Church (Under the Balcony)
Address: 1311 Marley Dr, Columbia, SC - 29210
Time: 730pm
Life Coach - Naina Patel
Hosted by: Naina Patel
Address: 2225 Two Notch Rd, Lexington, SC - 29072
Time: 7pm

We Believe everyone needs a community
Hebrews 3:12-14 “So watch your step, friends. Make sure there’s no evil unbelief lying around that will trip you up and throw you off course, diverting you from the living God.For as long as it’s still God’s Today, keep each other on your toes so sin doesn’t slow down your reflexes. If we can only keep our grip on the sure thing we started out with, we’re in this with Christ for the long haul.”
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.